Gizz announces new p(doom) record label

A screenshot of an Instagram post announcing p(doom) with the logo in white text on a black background.
New era // New label

Today King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard announced on Instagram their new record label “p(doom) records”.

Beginning with “K.G.” in 2020, the band has self-released all albums on their own “KGLW” record label, with the exception of 2021’s “L.W.”, released on former band label Flightless Records. In addition, the band has distributed their records through their merch website The post indicates p(doom) is the result of KGLW and Gizzverse merging. However, Gizzverse only carried merch for King Gizz and closely assosciated acts such as The Murlocs (Ambrose, Cookie) and Bullant (Joey) and the announcement indicates further releases will follow, starting with the debut LP of Jay Wilson (Gum, Pond, Tame Impala) and Ambrose dubbed Gum/Ambrose titled Ill Times (releasing July 19, 2024).

As of now all Gizzverse domains redirect to p(doom).

According to a Fast Company article from December 2023, “P(doom)” is a “term that began as a half-serious inside joke on tech message boards to describe the odds that AI destroys humankind”. The scale is from 0-100 and it indiciates how likely a person believe an artificial intelligence apocalypse is (a p(doom) of 100 would indicate you believe an AI apocalypse is certain).

The following Q&A is taken from the p(doom) about page:

p(doom) is a record label started by the members of King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard to put out their own records and their friends too. If you all keep listening to ’em, we’ll keep making ’em

Q & A with Stu

why u starting a record label? didn’t you already start one?

Yeh, we started KGLW records in 2020 to self release gizz records. p(doom) is for everyone, tho

why dont u just sign with some massive label?

cuz if you wanna get anything done in this biz you gotta build your own sick team and do it yourself. Gizzards long time manager Michelle and I ran KGLW ourselves for a while and now we employ a small and incredible team who run the show - Julia, Lulu, Ella, Simoen & Dave. They rule.

what happened to the gizzverse webstore?

It died, went to heaven, then possessed the body of p(doom)

wtf r bootleggers?

we let people create and sell copies of our music - check it out

I’m a record store, can I buy directly from you?

yup! Email Jules

can you sign my band?

we’re an ultra small operation, but yeh, send us some music and we’ll have a listen!

LOVE STU xoxox
